The show must go on: Arts Centre director takes to the streets

  • Watch our report from Hannah Pettifer

The arts sector is one of the industries hardest hit by the pandemic, no live performances has meant many theatres and music venues have had to close their doors to the public.

But in Colchester Anthony Roberts has been determined that the show must go on, and has been staging his own poetry recitals every day since lockdown began.

Anthony Roberts is normally behind the scenes as the director of Colchester Arts Centre but with shows cancelled he decided to put on his own performance

Anthony also said he wouldn't shave until the arts centre reopens. When he made that pledge he thought it would be about 3 weeks. Now in his own words he looks a bit like Father Christmas. During lockdown Anthony recorded his poems from home or in his garden, now his daily performances are staged in a variety of locations.

They're all filmed by his 13 year old son Reggie.

Arts Centre director takes to the streets with poetry Credit: ITV Anglia

Over the months the Daily Poetry Project has generated hundreds of views online

Anthony says the poems will stop once the Arts centre reopensm but until then, the show must go on