MP's husband claims Covid-19 is a "likely mental illness"

The husband of Norwich North Conservative MP is at the centre of controversy over his anti government views on Covid-19.
Sandy McFadzean with his wife Chloe Smith MP Credit: Eastern Daily Press

The husband of the Norwich North Conservative MP Chloe Smith is at the centre of a storm today after making controversial comments suggesting that Covid-19 doesn't exist and is likely a mental illness.

Sandy McFadzean's views came to light after an investigation by the Eastern Daily Press newspaper.

He joined last Saturday's anti-vaxx march in London where protesters carried signs against coronavirus measures.

Sandy McFadzean at the anti-vaxx in London Credit: EDP/Twitter

A poster for the march, retweeted by Mr McFadzean on Twitter, also called for no track and trace, an end to social distancing, and no facemasks.

It mentioned a group called StandUp X which claims coronavirus will force vaccinations on people for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies and Bill Gates.

Signs at the march also included a poster calling for Mr Gates to be jailed, along with Ms Smith’s colleague, health secretary Matt Hancock.

Minister of state for the constitution Ms Smith has supported the government’s policies against coronavirus.

But Mr McFadzean denies the existence of Covid-19, writing on Twitter:

Earlier this year he tweeted “Covid-19 is most likely an outbreak of mental illness.

He has also retweeted posts describing the government as “globalist puppets” and “tyrants”.

One post he retweeted swore at the government for announcing fines on people who joined mass gatherings.

Chloe Smith MP and her husband Sandy McFadzean Credit: Eastern Daily Press

Shortly after Chloe Smith was approached for comment her husband's twitter account was deleted.

Today Ms Smith said