Campaign encourages tourists to visit Norfolk and Suffolk for the rest of the year

Half a million pounds is being spent on a national advertising campaign to try to extend the holiday season in Norfolk and Suffolk. Visit East of England says the region's 9,000 thousand square kilometres of coast and countryside are ideal for safely exploring away from crowds.

Cromer on the North Norfolk coast Credit: ITV Anglia

As part of the UK Government's 'Enjoy Summer Safely' initiative, through September a wide-ranging series of advertisements will appear in national print media, on posters and in social media promoting the two counties as 'Unexplored England'.

An advert to promote Norfolk and Suffolk as a safe holiday destination Credit: HM Government

With a strapline of 'Find the paths and places less travelled', the campaign promotes the two counties' 9,172 km² of coast and countryside, with lots of space for outdoor activities and the opportunity to get off the beaten track and away from crowds.