Plans to re-vamp Lowestoft town centre have been unveiled

Plan to redevelop Lowestoft town centre have been unveiled by East Suffolk Council. It includes creating up-market hotels, new green spaces and a waterfront nightlife area.
The Lowestoft Masterplan was unveiled at East Suffolk Council's full council meeting in which it proposed to create four distinct areas of the town centre anchored by London Road North.
Councillors said the future of the town centre was no longer just about retail, and hoped instead to make the town an attractive destination in culture, tourism and leisure too.
The four zones are:
The Station Quarter,
Heart of Lowestoft
Innovation Axis
and Historic Quarter
The Lowestoft Town Centre Masterplan presents a response to the challenges faced within the town and will act as a ‘blueprint for change’ over the next 10 to 15 years.
It provides a singular vision and direction, as part of the wider Lowestoft Place Board ambitions for the whole of the town.
Lowestoft already has significant advantages, with massive economic opportunities through the growth in offshore renewable energy, tourism attractions along the South Beach and a range of large-scale infrastructure projects on the horizon, including the Lake Lothing Third Crossing and the tidal flood defences.