Appeal for computer equipment to help get more Cambridge households online

An appeal has been launched in Cambridge for unwanted computer equipment.

The charity Cambridge Online is asking for old and new laptops, tablets and dongles from local businesses and residents, to help get more households online.

Cambridge City Council has provided a grant of £5,000 to the charity to help vulnerable people struggling during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donated computer equipment can now also be dropped off by arrangement at The Guildhall in Market Square Credit: PA

“With so many people learning and working from home, digital access is now an essential utility", said Cllr Anna Smith, Executive Councillor for Communities.

“As schools have transitioned to remote learning in the face of Covid-19, families without a home computer have been put in an impossible position.

"Laptops and tablets simply aren’t affordable for many people. By supporting Cambridge Online’s work, we are reaching those most at risk of digital exclusion.

“Many of the laptops and tablets being distributed by local charities have been generously donated. If you are a business owner or private individual with a laptop or tablet you no longer need, we would be delighted to put your equipment in the hands of someone who really needs it.”

  • To donate a laptop, tablet or connectivity devices including dongles, sims or other equipment, email or phone 01223 300407