Fears rogue traders could try to cash in on damage caused by storms Ciara and Dennis in Northamptonshire

Trading Standards in Northamptonshire are warning people affected by storms Ciara and Dennis to beware of bogus calls and cold callers offering repair work.

They say that rogue traders could use the damage caused by the storms as a way of persuading people to pay for work.

Their advice is not to buy goods or services from a doorstep caller, even if they claim that the work needs doing immediately.

They say anyone who has suffered damage as a result of the storms should first check with their insurance company to see if they are covered for repairs, as some policies include emergency assistance.

People who rent their property should contact their landlord and their contents insurance company. Most insurance companies will appoint their own trades people to carry out the work.

Cabinet Member for Place, Highways and the Environment, Cllr Jason Smithers said: