Clear up begins in Lowestoft street hit by severe flooding

Watch a report from ITV Anglia's Rob Setchell:

Residents of a housing estate in Lowestoft have spent the day ripping up floors and throwing out belongings destroyed by floodwater.

The deluge caused floods across Norfolk and Suffolk on Sunday 6 October, but people in Aldwyck Way saw water actually enter their homes.

Brian Johnson said the flooding came dramatically quickly.

He said: "Within 20 minutes of me getting my kids to my brother-in-law's all the water came in.

"I've decorated most of my house and when I saw the water come in I thought - I've spent all this money decorating, my floor's cost me £400 and I've just lost the whole lot.

"We've lost all our sofas - most of our photos have disappeared. I've lost all my shoes, pretty much everything in my kitchen."

Mr Johnson says he's lost most of his kitchen Credit: ITV Anglia

Several residents of the street, which is susceptible to flooding because of its proximity to a stream, had to be evacuated by boat as the rain fell.

Representatives from Suffolk County Council (SCC) were at the scene on Monday to help with the clear up. They say a plan to protect Aldwyck Way from any future flooding should be in place by the start of next year.

Matt Hullis, Head of Environment Strategy at SCC, said: "We're in the final stages of designing a solution here which involves a wall and some pumps to take the water into the stream.

"It will make it a lot less likely to happen in the future."

Residents have spent the day clearing out damaged property Credit: ITV Anglia