Soldier killed in Syria was part of Essex regiment

Sgt Matt Tonroe was killed by a roadside bomb in Syria Credit: Ministry of Defence

The Ministry of Defence has confirmed a soldier killed fighting the so-called Islamic State in Syria was from a regiment in Essex.

Sgt Matt Tonroe, 33, was from the 3rd Battalion the Parachute Regiment based at Colchester.

He was killed by a roadside bomb on Thursday, March 29, while embedded with US forces.

Sgt Tonroe was born in Manchester and enlisted in the army 14 years ago before joining the 3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment straight after initial training where he served as part of the sniper platoon.

The soldier was deployed to Afghanistan and the Middle East on a number of occasions during his army career.

Paying tribute to him, Sgt Tonroe's commanding officer said he had "bristled with the contentment of a life lived to its full".

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said the soldier had "fought to protect British values, our freedoms and to keep us back at home safe".

Sgt Tonroe is survived by his mother Michelle, brother Alex and girlfriend Olivia.