Ed Sheeran triggers planning appeal to build huge garage

Suffolk singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran is to appeal after plans for a new garage are rejected by his local council. Credit: John Stillwell/PA Wire

Suffolk singer Ed Sheeran is taking his local council to a planning appeal after plans for a huge new garage were rejected.

The songwriter wants to build a four-bay cartlodge garage with extra parking at his 16th Century Listed building home near Framlingham in Suffolk.

The local parish council has approved the plans but they were rejected by Suffolk Coastal Council on grounds that they would have an "adverse impact on the character and appearance of the countryside."

Planners have rejected Ed Sheeran's project to build a 4-bay cartlodge parking area. Credit: Suffolk Coastal District Council

The council is also objecting to the fact that Ed's plans would extend the driveway to his home outside the village boundary.

The new building is 5.7 metres (18.7 ft) high and would incorporate an enclosed garage and three open fronted cartlodges along with a ground floor storage room and toilet. There were also been four car parking spaces outside the building.

The property already has a number of out buildings including a two-storey barn, a modern tree house, a swimming pool and a 'pod' along with decking and a jacuzzi.

There is also planning permission for an orangery.

The proposed building at Ed Sheeran's Suffolk home measures 12 metres (40 ft) by 8 metres (25 ft). Credit: Suffolk Coastal District Council

In his planning appeal, agents acting for Mr Sheeran reject the claim the building would have an adverse impact on the countryside.

The appeal documents says the proposed cartlodge and extension to the driveway to provide parking would "not result in visual intrusion or alter the character of the area."

The report says the building wouldn't be visible from the village and only "long range views would be possible from the north."

A new cartlodge is needed to replace the original one that was knocked down to make way for the swimming pool extension.

Ed Sheeran's home is close to Framlingham where he grew up in Suffolk. Credit: John Stillwell/PA Wire