Finding a donor match for football fan Emily

Emily Rootes who needs a bone marrow transplant Credit: Submitted

Emily Rootes has a rare auto immune condition that means she's allergic to her own bone marrow.

For the last year, the 22 year old has been looking for a bone marrow donor. She's a Northampton Town fan, so the club are holding a donor clinic before Saturday's FA Cup game at Sixfields to try and find her a match.

Her illness has meant she had to quit her job as a nursery manager earlier this year and has to go everywhere with her mum, Lisa.

When Emily was 14, she stopped breathing at school. For years doctors didn't know what was wrong and thought it could be a food allergy. In 2014 Emily nearly died at Christmas .

At the moment Emily has to take 42 tablets a day so finding a bone marrow match would transform her life

Emily has to take 42 tablets a day to keep as healthy as she can Credit: Submitted

The donor session to try and find a match for Emily will be held at Northampton Town's Sixfields ground between 12 and 3pm ahead of Town's FA Cup clash with Harrow on Saturday.

Click below to see a report from Sarah Cooper