Addenbrooke's boss says his first job is to listen to concerns

Roland Sinker is the new Chief Executive of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Credit: ITV News Anglia

The new chief executive of the trust which runs Addenbrooke's Hospital has said his first task in turning around the hospital's troubled fortunes will be to listen to everyone's concerns and build a long term strategy for health care in Cambridgeshire.

Roland Sinker told ITV News Anglia he expected the entire health community in the county and beyond to take part in the conversation, from patients to GPs to other hospitals and providers of social care.

ITV News Anglia's Elodie Harper speaks to Roland Sinker Credit: ITV News Anglia

Two years ago the Care Quality Commission considered Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge as one of Britain's safest hospitals, yet this year they rated its safety inadequate.

In 2014 the £200 million pound paperless "epic" computer system was introduced and just a month later there was a 20% drop in A&E performance. At the time doctors said the whole system was "fraught with problems".

Then in September 2015, just days after the Chief Executive and Chief financial officer resigned, Addenbrooke's Hospital and the Rosie Hospital were put into special measures by the Care Quality Commission over revelations that staff shortages were putting patients at risk.

It was also revealed the trust was losing £1 million a week.

Click below to watch a report on Addenbrooke's Hospital by ITV News Anglia's Elodie Harper

Daniel Zeichner is the Labour MP for Cambridge Credit: ITV News Anglia

The Department of Health transferred £3.2 billion from the NHS to social care over the course over the last parliament and will be investing an extra £10 billion in the NHS.

But they say that hospitals must live within their means by reducing agency staff and management consultants.

Roland Sinker has worked for the NHS for thirty years and has been credited with leading a turnaround at the King's College Hospital in London.

Now he has the task of improving Addenbrooke's Hospital.

Watch the full interview below.