'Teachers would be gone overnight': Former parent governor speaks exclusively about IES Breckland
As a single Dad, Mick Smith works hard to give his 15-year-old daughter Rayhonor the best start in life.
When a new free school in Brandon, IES Breckland, promised parents that it would provide an outstanding education, he enrolled his daughter.
Mick helped with fundraising before IES Breckland opened in 2012 and then became a friend of the school.
But he says Rayhonor didn't get the education promised.
This rapid turnover of staff was criticised in the school's Ofsted report, which placed IES Breckland in special measures, and rated the school inadequate.
In its defence the School has said it was already implementing an improvement plan before Ofsted visited this January.
But Mick Smith says the school's governance was in disarray when he was elected as a parent governor this November.
Mick became more concerned when Ofsted visited in January.
He had wanted to attend the governors meeting with Ofsted inspectors and emailed the chair of governors Kate Curtis asking why more effort was not made to include him.
The Chair of governors wrote back to Mick:
The vice chair also emailed Mick saying:
When Mick queried whether Ofsted really did instruct this, the chair emailed again:
Mick then wrote and asked Ofsted if this were correct. Ofsted replied:
Ofsted added that usually 3 or 4 governors attend this meeting.
Unhappy with the situation, Mick Smith resigned.
Nobody from the board of governors was available for interview, but the chair Kate Curtis sent ITV News the following statement:
IES Breckland told ITV News they accept Ofsted's criticisms of their school but believe they are already making improvements and look forward to further inspections bearing this out.
Mick Smith has now taken his daughter Rayhonor out of IES Breckland and says she is making good progress at her new school.
READ MORE: IES Breckland placed in special measures by Ofsted