Ely Cathedral given a clean by scouts, cubs and beavers

Scouts lend a helping hand. Credit: ITV Anglia

Back when it was known as bob a job week Scouts would do household chores for a shilling. Now the scheme has returned - as Scout Community Week.

Back when it was known as bob a job week Scouts would do household chores for a shilling. Now the scheme has returned - as Scout Community Week.

And the 2nd Ely Scouts, Cubs and Beavers have taken on some chores in a house of God - polishing, hoovering and mopping the historic Ely Cathedral.

Bob a job was launched by the scout movement founder Lord Baden Powell in 1949 as a way of raising funds and keeping youngsters busy in their easter holidays.

2,500 scout groups across the country have been involved in this revival of the scheme. And there were 80 young people taking part in the cathedral clean-up.

The Norman cathedral is over 160 metres long making it the fourth longest cathedral in England. So it takes a lot of sweeping.