Could 'champing' help save the UK's historical churches?
Church leaders say a growing holiday trend is helping them preserve their historical buildings for future generations.
'Champing' was launched in 2015 by the Churches Conservation Trust (CCT) and gives people a unique experience of the places of worship.
It allows people to camp inside churches overnight and also take part in activities around the area.
According to the National Churches Trust a decline in the numbers of churches open and being used for worship has contributed to a shortfall in funding for the buildings' repairs and preservation.
The Church of England estimates that it has a repair bill of £1 billion for its churches.
The CCT says hundreds of champers have already stayed and been delighted with the exclusive use of an historical space for the night.
They added that the money collected from the champers helps to preserve the churches.
What's on offer?
There are 18 churches up and down the country people can stay at, from Cumbria to Devon.
Each church offers different activities for champers, from rambling and roaming, to canoeing.
The churches are also dog-friendly, so guests' furry friends can stay for free.
How much does champing cost?Monday - Thursday:
£49 per adult per night
£25 per child per night
£69 per solo adult per night
£12.50 breakfast
Friday - Sunday:
£59 per adult per night
£30 per child per night
£79 per solo adult per night
£12.50 breakfast
Priscilla Moxey, on behalf of the Parochial Church Council, St Laurence Hilmarton, said: “The idea that people from far and indeed near, can come and stay in our beautiful grade one village church and have the key for one or several nights, so enabling them to enjoy and absorb the history, beauty, and architecture is an amazing concept.
"These wonderful buildings need to be used as much as possible and to see lights on and hear chatting, woofing, singing, and dancing is heart-warming.
"I believe that Champing breathes life into the fabric and at the same time helps with the maintenance for future generations to enjoy.”