'Sharp rise' in police officers reported for abusing power for sexual purposes

The IOPC issued a warning that such individuals have “no place in policing and will be found out."

The number of police officers reported for abusing their positions for sexual purposes has "risen sharply", according to a police watchdog.

Two thirds of the cases investigated by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) between 2018 and 2021 happened in the past year.The IOPC issued a warning that such individuals have “no place in policing and will be found out."

Last year there were 70 IOPC probes of police officers and staff over allegations of abuse of position for a sexual purpose (APSP), as opposed to 10 in 2016.

Between April 2018 and March 2021, 66 faced misconduct proceedings after being investigated.

Some 42 of these were in the last year alone and misconduct was proven in 63 of the cases.

Of the 52 who faced gross misconduct proceedings – for the most severe allegations – 73% are no longer serving and were barred from working in policing again. Most of these (29) were sacked and the remaining nine would have been if they had not resigned already.

Between April 2018 and March 2021, 66 faced misconduct proceedings after being investigated. Credit: PA

IOPC deputy director general Claire Bassett said the numbers showed there would be “consequences” for this behaviour.

She said: “What these numbers tell us is that this is a very serious form of corruption, but also those police officers that do this will get caught and will suffer significant sanction for that if they do.

“Those that do indulge in this are highly likely to lose their jobs and they may well face criminal sanctions and custodial sentences as a result."

The increase in gross misconduct proceedings comes at a time where the public's trust in the police has decreased.

Ms Bassett described the behaviour as an “appalling abuse of the public’s trust” which has a “devastating impact” on the often vulnerable people involved.

Wayne Couzens pretended to be on duty when he kidnapped 33-year-old Sarah Everard, before raping and then murdering her earlier this year.Ms Bassett said: “Recent events we have seen, including the horrific actions of Wayne Couzens, remind us that policing must act to root out this kind of behaviour once and for all.

“The police are there to help them, not exploit them.”

Wayne Couzens raped and murdered Sarah Everard in March.

The watchdog put the rise in disciplinary action down to an increased effort to sanction those responsible as heightened awareness of the problem led to more cases being reported. It was also suggested the rise may signal some “pent-up demand” as it takes time for cases to work through the system.

The data does not provide a complete picture of all action being taken as forces can also carry out their own investigations.

In many cases, the actions may appear “harmless at first”, like sending messages from a personal phone or putting kisses at the end of a text message, but this could be the “start of a pattern of escalating behaviour”, Ms Bassett said.

She added: “Each case threatens to undermine the trust the vast majority of officers work extremely hard to build.

"It is in everyone’s interest to root out those who abuse their position, and it is vital that anyone who experiences or witnesses this kind of unacceptable behaviour feels empowered to speak up.”

The National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for counter corruption, Chief Constable Lauren Poultney, said: “The figures released by the Independent Office for Police Conduct will cause concern. I want to emphasise that we are working hard to root out those who are attracted to policing for the wrong reasons.”