Ballet West founder suspended from school with immediate effect

The founder and principal of Scotland’s biggest ballet school, Gillian Barton, has been suspended with immediate effect.

In a statement, the Ballet West board of trustees said: “In light of allegations that have emerged this week, the board has now suspended a senior member of staff, pending the external investigation.”

ITV News understands that senior member of staff to be Gillian Barton.

Her suspension is relating to allegations from students that when they approached her with serious concerns, she dismissed them and failed to act in her role as principal.

Ballet West, founded in 1991, is a prestigious £9,000-a-year boarding school located in Taynuilt near the Argyll coast.

Ballet West, founded in 1991, is a prestigious, £9,000 a year boarding school located in Taynuilt near the Argyll coast. Credit: ITV News

Just this year it was awarded as the Best British Ballet School at the Ballet Grand Prix.

In another development, Bath Spa University has also announced it has cut its ties with Ballet West.

Bath Spa University had approved the BA Ballet degree for delivery at the Ballet West since September 2019, but they told us they are “very concerned” by allegations and have ended their partnership with immediate effect.