Doctor Abdul Mabud Chowdhury who issued warning over lack of PPE dies after contracting Covid-19

Abdul Mabud Chowdhury died this week, three weeks after issuing a warning about a lack of PPE for NHS workers Credit: Golam Rahat Khan/PA

A doctor who warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson about the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) for NHS workers has died after contracting coronavirus.

Consultant urologist Abdul Mabud Chowdhury, 53, died on Wednesday night, more than two weeks after being taken to hospital on March 23.

Just five days before being admitted, Dr Chowdhury wrote a Facebook post asking Boris Johnson to urgently provide every NHS worker with PPE.

In the post on March 18, he wrote: "People appreciate us and salute us for our rewarding job which are very inspirational but I would like to say we have to protect ourselves and our families/kids in this global disaster/crisis by using appropriate PPE and remedies."

Family friend doctor Golam Rahat Khan said Dr Chowdhury had been worried about coronavirus "long before" it reached the UK.

None of Dr Chowdhury’s relatives were with him when he died. Credit: Golam Rahat Khan/PA

"He was telling me and other friends that coronavirus was very dangerous," he said.

Dr Khan, 45, who has known Dr Chowdhury for nearly 20 years, described him as a "life-loving person".

He added: "He liked singing and liked our own Bengali culture and loved English heritage.

"He was so caring, he would call us very often to come to his house.

"I last saw him on February 1 at my house for my son’s eighth birthday."

Dr Khan said none of Dr Chowdhury’s relatives were with him when he died at around 10.35pm at Queens Hospital in Romford.

Dr Chowdhury, who worked at Homerton University Hospital in London, is survived by his wife and two children aged 18 and 11.

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