'Sound the alarm but show where the exits are': 2040 director demands climate change solutions to beat 'paralysis'

Is negative press distracting the world from providing solutions to climate change?

Director Damon Gameau fears we're in a state of paralysis.

His new film 2040 examines possible ways to deal with some of the problems posed by climate change.

But in this telling conversation with ITV News's Chris Ship he admits attempts for others to deal with the issue are struggling to gain momentum.

The Australian told ITV's Lunchtime bulletin: "There are things people can do but we also need to change systems in agriculture and other areas as well.

"It's important to sound the fire alarm and we're doing that... but we've also got to show people where the exits are.

"So what the film does is try to portray a vision of what the world looks like on the other side of this crisis if we put into practice these solutions."

Watch the full interview at the top of this article.

Earth on the Edge

ITV News is reporting from the frontlines of the climate change crisis. Credit: ITV News

ITV News's Earth On The Edge series is examining the visible evidence of the world's global environmental crisis.

Here are some of the latest reports:

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