This is Spinal Tap sue French film studio for £320m

Members of the spoof rock band Spinal Tap. Credit: Tim Ireland/PA Wire

This Is Spinal Tap stars Rob Reiner, Christopher Guest and Michael McKean have joined comedian Harry Shearer to sue French film company Vivendi for £320m.

Reiner, Guest and McKean have joined a lawsuit filed by Shearer on October 17 2016 against Vivendi and its subsidiary StudioCanal, which claims the studio withheld profits from the hit mockumentary, its music and its merchandise.

Vivendi bought the rights to This is Spinal Tap, through its subsidiary StudioCanal, in 1989.

The lawsuit says the company engaged in anti-competitive and unfair business practices, as well as fraudulent accounting, directly related to its management of This Is Spinal Tap.

Shearer co-wrote the film and soundtrack and starred as bassist Derek Small in the 1984 spoof documentary about the British rock band, and Reiner directed and narrated them movie.

The stars are seeking $400m in compensatory and punitive damages.

Shearer said the addition of his co-stars to the lawsuit, which was filed in California, will only help the claim.

He added: "Their participation will help demonstrate the opaque and misleading conduct at the heart of this case. We're even louder now."

A spokesman for Vivendi said the company did not comment on ongoing litigations.