Blair and Bush are war criminals, says Iraqi child victim who lost family to US bomb

A former Iraqi child victim of the US war who was left orphaned and severely disabled by a US bomb strike has said that both Tony Blair and George Bush should been seen as war criminals for rushing into the conflict.

Ali Abbas became one of the faces of the bloody war after his family home was hit by a western airstrike when he was aged just 12 years old.

The blast killed his mother, father and brother - and left Ali with horrific injuries including the loss of both of his arms.

Mr Abbas, who made a new life in the UK, added his personal condemnation of Blair and Bush after the Chilcot report revealed serious failures in the decision to attack.

Video report by ITV News correspondent Paul Davies

Mr Abbas said he returned to Iraq as an adult to fight the so-called Islamic State.

He gave ITV News access to footage of him apparently driving a car using his lower limbs and said he was taught to fire a gun and rocket launcher with his feet.

"I felt I had to do something," he said of his decsion to go back.

"My brother said if we don't go to Isis and fight them here then they will come and fight us here," he said