Boss of Britain's biggest home insurer insists floods won't necessarily push up premiums

As the water recedes the insurance teams move in.

We're in Carlisle with Direct Line Group, Britain's biggest home insurer as it begins to assess the damage that's been caused and starts the long process of repairs.

Of the 5,186 homes across Cumbria that have been flooded, approximately one in six will be customers of Direct Line, Churchill or Privilege.

The last time the city flooded, 10 years ago, the flood defences were reinforced but at the weekend they were breached.

Carlisle's defences didn't keep the water out but Direct Line's chief executive, Paul Geddes, believes they were helpful, allowing "precious extra time" for people to move their most precious items to safer ground.

The Association of British Insurers is warning that severe weather is becoming more frequent but that's not Direct Line's experience. The company outs aside £80 million every year to cover flood claims, a budget that has remained pretty constant.

Will home insurance premiums rise as a result of these floods? "Not necessarily," according to Mr Geddes.