Jeremy Corbyn insists he has not lost his authority as Syria defeat looms
These have not been easy days for Jeremy Corbyn.
He wanted to order his 231 MPs to vote against airstrikes - he was outvoted in Shadow Cabinet.
He wanted the official Labour party line to be against airstrikes - his shadow cabinet wouldn't allow it.
And the decision taken at a meeting of that shadow cabinet yesterday meant David Cameron was able to proceed with a Commons vote for airstrikes - effectively committing the UK to extending military strikes to Syria.
So when we sat down in his office this afternoon - there was much to discuss.
Read: Jeremy Corbyn issues direct appeal to Labour MPs on Syria
Has he lost his authority with his top team, I asked?
No, he said. "I was elected with a large mandate."
He added: "I would much prefer it if the majority of Labour MPs... had not authorised us to support an offensive. That wasn't possible so I agreed to a free vote."
"Agreed" is an interesting word, given he'd asked for something else.
"We had a debate in the shadow cabinet about this matter," he replied and repeated, "I have agreed to a free vote."
He does though tell MPs they have a "big responsibility on their shoulders tomorrow' urging those minded to support military action that they will send 'forces in to bomb not knowing what the implications are."