Shared parental leave: How will it work?

Parents could be eligible to split parental leave after the birth or adoption of a new child Credit: Andrew Matthews/PA

Shared parental leave has now officially come into effect meaning parents whose babies are born, or whose children are adopted, on or after today will now be able to have more control over how they split their leave.

According to the policy this means up to 50 weeks of leave and 37 weeks of pay can be shared between both parents once the compulsory two weeks recovery period for new mums has passed.

How shared parental leave will work:

  • Eligible couples will be able to share parental leave if the mother opts to end her maternity leave and pay early

  • Shared parental leave will be able to be taken in one block, or split into blocks with periods of work in between

  • Statutory shared parental pay will be paid at the rate of £139.58 a week or 90% of average weekly earnings - the lower of the two amounts will be paid

  • Parents and adopting couples where one has been employed for a minimum of the last six months and the other is, or has recently been, employed or self-employed, are eligible

It is estimated around 285,000 working couples are expected to be eligible for the new scheme but children's charity Barnado's warned today that the legislation will not have the desired impact unless businesses give it their full backing.

Full details of the new scheme can be found at the website.