Benjamin Netanyahu slams President Obama as a man pursuing a recklessly naive policy with Iran

Netanyahu slams President Obama over policy with Iran. Credit: PA

You can't quite see the steam coming out of the White House. But there is more fury inside the Presidential residence than I have seen in recent years.

US leaders expect to face barbs from their enemies. But what has just played out in Washington is extraordinary.

This was a key US ally coming to Congress and launching a savage assault on a central foreign policy objective of the US Administration.

America gives billions of dollars of aid to Israel. It arms the Jewish state.It provides constant diplomatic cover at the UN.

And for all of that Benjamin Netanyahu has just excoriated President Obama as a man who is pursuing a recklessly naive policy with Iran.

Netanyahu compared Iran with Nazi Germany. The implication is clear: Obama is meekly negotiating with the 21st Century equivalent of the Third Reich.

No wonder the President is angry and refuses to meet with the Israeli leader. He has been out-played in his home town.

Netanyahu has mobilised the Republicans to undermine US policy with Iran.Now watch out for the President's revenge.

Obama held a bilateral meeting with Netanyahu in the White House during October. Credit: PA

For all his "no-drama-Obama" reputation, he will not take this humiliation lying down.