Letters reveal terrifying plans of teenager: 'We should do a 9/11 and 7/7 and Woolwich everyday'

Brusthom Ziamani Credit: Metropolitan Police/PA Wire

Letters written by Brusthom Ziamani,19, reveal his desire to 'die a martyr' and telling other Muslims to take up arms against Britain.

In one letter he seeks to reassure his parents telling them: "what I'm about to do is an obligation."

Brusthom Ziamani letter to his parents Credit: Metropolitan Police/PA Wire
Brusthom Ziamani letter to his parents Credit: Metropolitan Police/PA Wire
Brusthom Ziamani Credit: Metropolitan Police/PA Wire
Brusthom Ziamani letter Credit: Metropolitan Police/PA Wire
Brusthom Ziamani letter Credit: Metropolitan Police/PA Wire
Brusthom Ziamani letter Credit: Metropolitan Police/PA Wire