Dick Cheney slams US Senate's CIA report as 'full of crap'

Dick Cheney has called the report 'a terrible piece of work' Credit: Fox News

A former US Vice President has condemned a shocking report into the interrogation techniques used by the CIA, saying bluntly that it was "full of crap".

Dick Cheney, who held the post from 2001 to 2009 under President George Bush, said the US Senate's massive 6,000-page report - of which just a 525-page summary has been released - was "deeply flawed".

Read: Key findings of the US Senate report into the CIA's torture programme

Speaking to Fox News, he also argued that the agency deserved "a lot of credit", rather than condemnation, for what they had done.

Detainees watched by military police at Camp X-Ray, 2002. Credit: Reuters

He went on to discuss the capture and treatment of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, adding:

When Fox News' Special Report anchor Bret Baier reminded him that the report claimed the CIA had not, in fact, been successful, Cheney replied:

Cheney added that then-President Bush was kept 'fully informed' of what was going on Credit: Fox News

He also dismissed claims that then-President Bush was not aware of what was going on, saying he had been "fully informed".

The report has sparked worldwide condemnation after exposing the nature of the "enhanced interrogation techniques" used by the CIA against its detainees.

These included suspects being:

  • Shackled to the wall and given buckets for human waste

  • Subjected to involuntary "rectal feeding" or "rectal hydration" without any documented medical need

  • Subjected to several days' continuous sleep deprivation - often while standing

  • Waterboarded to the stage of "near-drownings"

  • Held in confinement boxes - intended to look like coffins - for several hours

  • Threatened with harm and sexual assault of family members

Read: How the CIA tortured its detainees

Read: Call for Guantanamo Bay detainee's release after CIA report