Team Miliband: A force to be reckoned with?

Labour leader Ed Miliband and his wife at their hotel in Manchester ahead of the Labour Party's annual conference Credit: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

By Emily Morgan: Political Correspondent

This evening I caught a glimpse of Team Miliband. Ed Miliband and his wife, Justine, attended a reception together at the Labour Party conference. They arrived; relaxed, smiley and comfortable.

To our surprise Justine spoke first to the assembled audience; she was funny and very, very good. Then Ed spoke. He too was funny and very, very good.

I might sound surprised because I am. I haven't ever heard Justine speak before and rarely even seen her. Equally, I haven't seen Mr Miliband speak with such ease, it felt like watching a different man on stage.

Now I'm fairly certain this is how he always is, friends and colleagues often speak of a funny, 'normal' man but that image so often doesn't come across. It did tonight.

Justine succeeded in proving they can do image. She was also compelling and gave us an insight into how they plan to fight the election campaign.

After the speech she spoke to me and told me it isn't always easy being in politics but she was determined to help her husband.

Some will say Mr Miliband needs her help and judging by tonight, together, they could be a formidable pair.

More: Miliband cool on 'English votes for English laws' plan