Dog dressed as spider terrifies passers-by in Polish prank

'DogSpider' emerges from the darkness Credit: Youtube/SA Wardega

Halloween may not be until next month but passers-by in Poland were given the fright of their lives after a prankster dressed his dog up in a spider costume.

Actor and director Sylvester Wardega dressed his dog Chica in a furry spider outfit before unleashing her on unsuspecting members of the public and filming their reaction.

Footage posted on Youtube shows members of the public running for their lives after seeing the dog emerge from the darkness and huge webs strung from trees.

One scene sees a man flee after he is confronted by the creature while taking out his rubbish.

Another clip shows two girls confronted by the creature when the doors to a lift open up to reveal it sat on a 'lifeless' man.

Two women run for their lives after being confronted with this scene Credit: Youtube/SA Wardega

The footage, posted online yesterday, has already had more than 4 million views.

One Youtube viewer commented: "Absolutely amazing, I would have also ran off like crazy if I saw that. Great job guys."

Chica also has her own Facebook page which has attracted more than 13,000 likes.