Cloud Atlas author David Mitchell publishes latest work on Twitter
Award-winning author David Mitchell - whose novel Cloud Atlas was turned into a multimillion-pound blockbuster film - has chosen to release his latest effort via Twitter.
The Right Sort - a short story about a boy's experience on Valium pills - will be serialised via the social network over the next week, his publisher announced via a new official Twitter account.
The story has already begun, with a cluster of 20 tweets sent this morning and another section of the story due later today.
Speaking to the Guardian, Mitchell said "once the idea that I could use Twitter as a storytelling medium bit me, it wouldn't leave me alone".
He says the story is set in the same universe as his upcoming novel The Bone Clocks, and will run to 280 tweets - describing writing for the medium as a "diabolical treble-strapped textual straitjacket".