Coolio performs Gangsta's Paradise in students' front room

Coolio joined the students for an impromptu rendtion of his hit rap. Credit: YouTube/ Olivia Johnson-Aley

A group of students were treated to an intimate rendition of Coolio's Gangsta's Paradise when the American rapper came back to their house after meeting them on a night out in Preston.

The hip-hop star reprised his number one hit, with acoustic guitar backing from one of his new student pals, in the Lancashire living room.

Coolio also reportedly cooked the students dinner, which included a peach crumble for dessert, after they accompanied him to Tesco to buy ingredients.

One of the students posted a video of the performance on YouTube, describing the experience as "surreal":

Coolio looks low on energy after a evening in which he rapped and cooked. Credit: YouTube/ Olivia Johnson-Aley

The guitarist in the video later said on Reddit that Coolio was a "great guy" with "some very deep and profound thoughts", the Metro reported.

‘For dinner we had Coolio’s Caprese Salad, Chicken á la Daaaamn and Peach Crumble," the student revealed.

The rapper's culinary expertise seems to contradict some of the lyrics in Gangsta's Paradise, with one line in the 1995 single reading: "What's going on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's cookin'."

Watch the full video of Coolio unplugged in Preston (contains strong language)