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Weekdays 9am

Sally's introduction to the Bikini Promise + One

The Bikini Promise + One is all about getting healthy - and weight loss is a very happy side effect of that!

So, for this healthy eating and weight loss plan there are three words that form our mantra - Nourish. Nourish. Nourish. By concentrating on nourishing your body, and not allowing any health-damaging food to pass your lips, by eating the appropriate portion size for you and getting active with Maxine, you can and will lose your unwanted weight.

There's a lot of misleading information out there, from quick-fix promises to unhealthy diet plans. But actually losing weight is simple. In the past we have brought you the brought you the Brazilian Diet, Bikini Promise, Vow to Wow and Living to the Max. The results from those who have taken part have been incredible, and we are so proud of all of you who came on the journey with us! Maxine and I don't believe in fad diets, so in the Bikini Promise + One, we will be bringing you more delicious, healthy, easy to prepare recipes, plus more fun and effective exercises! This year, we are delighted to have Dr Hilary on board who will offer all the medical back-up we need.

Be sure to read

Are you ready to shape up for summer with Maxine, Lorraine and Sally?

Now it's over to you ...This is the only, simple, health giving, life enhancing weight loss plan you will ever need. By eating 3 palm-sized meals a day, using my recipes with fresh and unprocessed ingredients, cutting out all chemicals, fizzy drinks and alcohol, taking 3 Bikini Promise + One small snacks a day and drinking 8 glasses of water – YOU can safely and sustainably lose your excess weight and keep it off forever!

Remember, if it has no health benefit, don’t eat it! You have freedom to make your choices from my eating plans. I have listed meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner but feel free to swap the order. Make this plan fit with your lifestyle. Remember, fast for 12 hours at night!

Enjoy, be well and get slim! Best of luck!

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Weekdays 9am