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Weekdays 12.30pm

Rotherham: Sarah's story of survival

In the summer of 2014 the Rotherham Sex Abuse Scandal sent shockwaves across the nation when it emerged that since the 1990's, up to 1400 young girls in the Northern town had been regularly abused by predominantly Pakistani sex gangs.

One of those victims, Sarah Wilson, was first raped at the innocent age of just 12. It was the grotesque beginning of her systematic grooming and sexual assault. She was plied with alcohol and drugs, driven across the country to be raped by multiple men and ignored by both the police and social services. Sadly her case is not unique.

Today, having waived her right to anonymity, Sarah bravely joins our Women to talk about her shocking and harrowing story of survival at the hands of these monsters.

Get help, advice and support for Rape and sexual abuse

Sarah's book, Violated, published by Harper Collins is available to purchase now.

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Weekdays 12.30pm