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Coleen Nolan 'upset' by sister Maureen’s facelift plans: 'I can’t bear the thoughts of her being in pain'


Coleen was joined by her sister Maureen and was 'upset' at her plans to have a facelift.

Maureen has booked to have a facelift next week, after saying she feels depressed when she looks in the mirror. But Coleen is not happy.

Coleen said: 'I can’t bear the thoughts of her being in pain, I can’t bear the thoughts of anything going wrong in surgery, I just can’t handle anything else happening to anymore of my sisters, it gives me a lump in my throat at the thought of it.'

'I think the thing for me, I’ll always be proud of you - if you have a facelift or don’t have a facelift, I’ll always be proud of you,' Coleen told Maureen. 'And there’s no denying you’ll look fabulous. I’ll be sitting her saying you look fabulous. Here’s my issues: everyone I meet says "Your sister Maureen is so gorgeous!" I tell them your age [63] and I go, "She’s had no work done". They say, "She must have" and I say "No". Now, I’ll say, "Yeah, she’s had a facelift". It upsets me a little bit.'

Speaking of her decision to have surgery, Maureen said: 'Somehow when we were working all together as children I got landed with the term "the pretty one". The older you get, possibly for someone who was tagged with that, it’s harder for them to accept getting old because you count on your looks a little bit too much possibly, you feel you have to live up to that, you feel that’s all you are as well. So you think, "Oh I’m pretty but I’ve got no talent, or no personality".'

'People ask me was my marriage breakdown part of this – I don’t actually think it was.'

She continued: '[Our sister] Linda’s surgery was so brilliant I thought. It didn’t change her face. I want to look a few years younger, not like I got my latest tax bill [pulls a shocked face]. For me it’s just maintenance – you maintain your car, why don’t you maintain your looks?'

Coleen insisted: 'I can’t persuade her not to do it, it’s her life, I just want her to be happy, if that makes you happy. But for me, personally, nothing can make you more beautiful than the person you are already.'

Watch the video to see the full chat with Coleen and Maureen.

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Weekdays 12.30pm