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Weekdays 12.30pm

Thalidomide survivor Mandy Masters on life without arms: 'Doctors said I wouldn't do anything. I proved them all wrong'


Born with no arms after her mother was given thalidomide while pregnant, Mandy Masters became an iconic symbol of the scandal.

'When I was born they took me away from my mum and phoned my dad. They told him there were some deformities but my mum didn't have a clue what was going on,' Mandy said. 'They loved me from day one. They had four other children and they wanted to take me home.'

'Growing up I wanted to be normal, I wanted to do everything myself,' Mandy said. 'From the age of 12 I was always into make-up and hair. I even did shorthand and joked it should be short foot!'

'The doctors said I wouldn't do anything, I wouldn't like to 19 and I wouldn't get married and have children. I've been happily married for 28 years.'

Mandy, who has been a make-up artist and hairdresser, went on to defy doctors and told us how her parents taught her to be self-sufficient and she went on to have two children of her own.

'People don't realise your feet can do this but mine can,' she said. 'But will my legs at 70 be able to do that?'

Watch the video to see the inspirational chat with Mandy and how she uses her feet to help her live life to the full!

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Weekdays 12.30pm