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Weekdays 12.30pm

Rape and Sexual Abuse: Help, support & advice

Use our helplines to find more information and advice for people affected by rape and sexual abuse

NHS Choices – Help after rape and sexual assaultvictimsupport.org.uk

Sexual violence is a crime, no matter who commits it or where it happens. Don’t be afraid to get help.

Sexual Abuse Referral Centres – Find a SARCFind a SARC

SARCs are specialist medical and forensic services for anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted. They aim to be one-stop service, providing the following under one roof: medical care and forensic examination following assault/rape and, in some locations, sexual health services. Medical Services are free of charge and provided to women, men, young people and children.

Rape CrisisHelpline: 0808 802 9999 (12-2:30 and 7-9:30)rapecrisis.org.uk

National organisation offering support and counselling for those affected by rape and sexual abuse. See website for local groups or contact directory enquiries.

Victim SupportSupportline: 0845 30 30 900Support for women

Our services are confidential, free and available to anyone who's been raped or sexually assaulted, now or in the past. We can help, regardless of whether you have told the police or anyone else about the attack. Our volunteers can visit you at home (if you want us to, and if doing so will not put you at further risk) or somewhere else if you prefer. If you don't want to see anyone face-to-face, you can also talk to us on the phone, either at one of our local offices or at the national Victim Supportline.

RASAC (Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre)National Helpline: 0808 802 9999 (12-2.30 & 7-9.30)rasasc.org.uk

National helpline for survivors of rape and childhood sexual abuse, their families and friends. Provides emotional and practical support.

The Survivors Trustthesurvivorstrust.orgFind support

Rape and sexual abuse can happen to anyone regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, culture or social status. Living with the consequences of rape and sexual abuse can be devastating. We believe that all survivors are entitled to receive the best possible response to their needs whether or not they choose to report.

Rights of WomenAdvice line: 020 7251 6577 (Open Tuesday–Thursday 2–4pm and 7-9pm, and Friday 12–2pm)Sexual violence legal advice line: 020 7251 8887 (Open Monday 11-1pm and Tuesday 10-12pm)rightsofwomen.org.uk

Founded in 1975, we offer free confidential legal advice to women on our advice line. We offer specialist advice in family law, divorce and relationship breakdown, children and contact issues, domestic violence, sexual violence, discrimination and lesbian parenting. We empower women to access their legal rights.

Pandora’s Projectpandys.orgSupport and resource for Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Survivors of Rape & Sexual Abuse.

Women's Aid FederationNational Domestic Violence Helpline (24hrs): 08457 023 047womensaid.org.ukSexual violence

Women's Aid is the national domestic violence charity that helps up to 250,000 women and children every year. We work to end violence against women and children, and support over 500 domestic and sexual violence services across the country.

The Rape and Abuse Line (RAL)Helpline: 0808 800 0123 answered by womenrapeandabuseline.co.uk

A registered charity that offers a freephone, confidential helpline to persons who have survived rape or abuse however long ago the experiences were.

Survivors UK – Male Rape and Sexual Abuse SupportNational Helpline: 0845 122 1201survivorsuk.org

We understand the effect which male rape and sexual abuse can have upon those who are forced to experience it, and we're well aware of the traumatic process which it can set in motion. If you are a man who has suffered sexual abuse or rape in the past, you can turn to us for help. We have a range of support options to help you recover from your experience and put the past behind you.

MPower – Support for Male Survivors of AbuseHelpline: 0808 808 4321male-rape.org.uk

It can be difficult to talk about rape, sexual assault and childhood abuse. This website offers information and contact points for agencies which specialise in these issues. Many survivors say that the hardest part of coming to terms with what has happened is to learn to stop blaming themselves. Nobody deserves to be raped. No survivor deserves the blame. TALK about your anger. TALK about your feelings. TALK to someone you can trust.

Rape, sexual abuse and personal safety abroad

NHS Choices - What should I do immediately after a sexual assault or rape?nhs.uk

After a rape or sexual assault you may be affected emotionally and physically. Only you can decide what you feel up to doing in the following hours, days or weeks. But there are certain pieces of advice we can offer you, so that you have the knowledge you need to make the right decisions for you, and get the support you need.

Foreign & Commonwealth OfficeRape & Sexual Assault Abroad Leaflet

Rape and sexual assault can happen to women and men of all ages and backgrounds. While most visits abroad are trouble-free, we are becoming more aware of people being sexually assaulted whilst they are overseas. Sexual assault is a very traumatic experience whenever and wherever it happens, but the trauma can be made even more difficult to deal with when it happens abroad. We will be as helpful as we can to anyone who tells us they have had sex against their wishes or been attacked by someone wanting sex.

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Weekdays 12.30pm