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Weekdays 12.30pm

Pregnancy and childbirth helplines

For more information and support about pregnancy and childbirth you can use these helplines.

NHS ChoicesPregnancy Care PlannerPremature Labour & BirthPTSDPregnancy and baby guideDads and partnersSleep and tiredness after having a baby

All you need to know to have a healthy and happy pregnancy, and to make sure you get the care that's right for you. It has over 250 pages of NHS-accredited information, including videos and interactive planning tools. You'll also find all the facts you need to choose the best maternity services in your area.

NHS InformReady, Steady Baby Guide

NHS inform is Scotland's national health information service. Our aim is to provide the people in Scotland with accurate and relevant information to help them make informed decisions about their own health and the health of the people they care for.

Tommy’stommys.orgPregnancy Line: 0800 0147 800Pregnancy and Post-birth Wellbeing PlanPremature Birth - Information and supportPost Traumatic Stress Disorder

Comprehensive website with details of all aspects of pregnancy and giving birth to a healthy baby, as well as a Midwife Helpline.

The Baby Centrebabycentre.co.ukHypnobirthingHow to recover after a traumatic birthCoping with sleep deprivation

As parent, you won't need telling that you could do with some more sleep. You may be so tired that you can barely remember your own name, let alone where you’ve put your car keys. Though a good night’s sleep is the obvious remedy, this can sometimes seem impossible when you've got a baby to look after. Here's how to get through the days that follow those sleepless nights.

The National Childbirth Trustnct.org.ukHelpline: 0300 330 0700Hypnobirthing - where to startTraumatic birth & PTSDCoping with tiredness

Becoming a parent is a life-enhancing experience, but it can also be challenging and sometimes stressful. We are here to help you through this transition, offering relevant information, reassurance and mutual support.

Kicks Countkickscount.org.uk

Count the Kicks is a UK registered charity that aims to empower mums to be with knowledge and confidence throughout their pregnancy. A baby’s movement indicate its wellbeing and by understanding their baby, mums can be empowered to trust their instincts and ensure the healthy delivery of their baby. The charity produces leaflets with important information about baby’s movements, antenatal note stickers and kick counting wristbands to help mums keep track of baby’s movements and encourages them to contact their midwife or antenatal ward if they notice any change in their baby’s regular pattern of movement. A similar campaign in Norway saw the rates of stillbirth drop by 33% and in the UK a similar awareness campaign in the 1980′s around cot death saw rates of sudden infant deaths fall by a massive 70%.


Bliss was established 30 years ago and continues to champion the care of our most vulnerable babies and their families. We are the only national charity dedicated to improving the survival and long-term quality of life for babies born too soon, too small or too sick to cope on their own.

The Breastfeeding NetworkNational Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300 100 0210breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk

Comprehensive source of information and support for breastfeeding women and for those involved in their care.

La Leche LeagueLocal support by phonelaleche.org.uk

For friendly mother-to-mother breastfeeding support from pregnancy through to weaning.

Twins Trust (Formerly Twins and Multiple Birth Association)Twinline: 0800 138 0509twinstrust.org

Whether you would like to chat about expecting twins, triplets or more; feeding, sleeping, starting school, friendships, getting to grips with the teenage years, or anything multiples related, Twinline can provide the support you need. Sometimes you just may need a listening ear from somebody who understands. All our trained volunteers are parents of twins. This is a free service and available to everyone.

The Multiple Births FoundationTel: 0208 383 3519multiplebirths.org.uk

There are over 9,000 multiple births each year in the UK. The number is increasing with medical advances, particularly in the areas of infertility and care of pre-term births. Most people have little idea just how demanding multiple birth babies can be. The reality is that often parents' ability to cope is dramatically reduced by the problems that accompany having twins, triplets or more. As a result, the need for the correct care and support has never been greater and it is our aim to provide advice, information and support to multiple birth families and professionals working in the field.

Family Livesfamilylives.org.ukHelpline: 0808 800 2222 (24 hours)

Offers support to anyone parenting or helping to raise children, from newborn babies to young adults. There are free telephone and email helplines, parenting courses and information leaflets. The website offers lots of advice, real-life stories and relevant news as well as a helpful A-Z of related topics.

Disabled Parents Networkdisabledparentsnetwork.org.uk.

A national organisation offering information and support for disabled people who are parents or who hope to become parents, and their families, friends and supporters.

Netmumsnetmums.com Netmums is a unique local network for Mums (or Dads), offering a wealth of information on both a national and local level. Once you have registered on your local site you can access details for all kinds of local resources, from child-friendly cafes to childminders, places to go and much, much more.

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Weekdays 12.30pm