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Weekdays 12.30pm

Michaela Strachan on her breast cancer and double mastectomy: 'They're like coconuts - I call them pina and colada'


TV presenter Michaela joined us to talk about undergoing a double mastectomy three years ago after being diagnosed with lobular breast cancer.

'I sobbed and I panicked and then you go into stoic mode,' Michaela explained. 'Within a week, I had gone from not knowing I had breast cancer to looking at fake boobs. You actually laugh because this is so surreal. That was weird. I actually didn't go down the nipple route because I have a loving partner and after you have the reconstruction, they're as hard as coconuts and I found it very difficult to love them. So my friend said to me: 'Why don't you give them a name and then you might love them more.' I said: 'But they're like coconuts.' So she said: 'Why don't you call them pina and colada.' "

Michaela, whose cancer was picked up during a routine mammogram, put her hands over her breasts for emphasis as she spoke, adding: 'Isn't it funny, I can hold my breasts on television because they're not mine. They don't look the same, they’ve gone a bit wonky.'

'It's so important, we should all be feeling our breasts,' Penny Lancaster added.

Michaela added that despite her breasts feeling a little alien she feels incredibly lucky that she's survived.

'Yes, I've got hard boobs and I can bounce on a trampoline and nothing happens,' she explained. 'But apart from that my life hasn't been compromised. I feel very fit, very well, very healthy and very happy.'

Watch the video to find out more about Michaela is supporting Breast Cancer Now's #wearitpink campaign for breast cancer awareness.

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Weekdays 12.30pm