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Weekdays 12.30pm

Get Moving With Mark: The Loose Women take on Mark Wright's fitness challenge

Mark Wright kicked off his new fitness strand Get Moving With Mark on Loose Women, where he is embarking on a mission to get our very own Brenda Edwards, and viewers at home, get motivated.

Mark will be joining the show every Wednesday, sharing tips and exercises to help us all feel fitter, healthier and happier - and Brenda admitted that she needs Mark to keep her on track.

Brenda said: “I make a resolution every single year and I never stick to it I am much better if I have got somebody there motivating and pushing me. I need that kickstart.”

Mark then joined the ladies from his home, where he spoke about our Loose Women poll where 83% of viewers said they were struggling to find the motivation to workout.

"The reason this whole thing started with me training was because last lockdown I found it really hard to motivate myself," Mark admitted. "I'm talking back in March 2020. I was lying on the sofa every day for two weeks. I thought this is just not me, I normally get up and workout or at least go for a run. I just couldn’t do it. So I booked a live [on social media] and thousands joined in. Because I had booked it and told people I was going to be there, I had to be there. It was like an appointment. And from then it became like a routine and that was my kickstart."

Mark, who has his own fitness app Train Wright, added: "I know with Brenda and whoever else joins in with this programme, I promise you you will stick with it and you will stay motivated."

Pointing out that 86% of his audience on his live workouts are women, Mark told how there are alternative options to every move in his workouts to suit all abilities.

He then put Brenda through a one minute live fitness test, with Jane Moore, Janet Street -Porter and Coleen Nolan joining in as well for moral support.

Fancy giving it a go yourself? Check out the video below.

"That is the thing with this, no matter what standard of fitness you believe you are... you can all do some sort of version of these exercises... mentally, during these times, it is the best thing you can do. Stay fit, keep exercising."

Mark's Simple 7 Day Workout Plan

Complete each of the 11 exercises one by one - do each one for 30 seconds - then rest for 30 seconds before moving onto the next one. 

Once you've  completed all 11 - start over once more. Do this every day.

  • Jumping jacks (you can step instead of jumping)

  • Skipping  (if you don't have ropes - you can still do skipping motions)

  • Knees up

  • Jab crosses

  • Plank

  • Jog on spot

  • Squats 

  • Push ups (can go on your knees to make it easier)

  • Sit ups

  • Skiing moves - jumping front on foot to the other 

  • Lunges 

The Plank Challenge

Mark tasked the Loose Women to put mind over matter and attempt a 30 second plank.

Watch the video above to see how they got on and pick up some top tips for planking from Mark.

Watch Loose Women weekdays from 12.30pm on ITV, STV and the ITV Hub. And don't forget you can find us on YouTubeFacebookInstagram and Twitter too.

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Weekdays 12.30pm