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Weekdays 12.30pm

Body issues and eating disorder helplines

Use our helplines to find more information and advice on weight and body issues

National Centre for Eating DisordersHelpline: 0845 838 2040eating-disorders.org.ukStarving & Scoffing KidsEverything you need about eating disorders treatment, information and professional training in the help & treatment of eating disorders. Eating disorders, such as compulsive overeating, binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, obesity, orthorexia & failed dieting affect people in every walk of life. There are millions of men and women suffering from chaotic eating disorders, perhaps harbouring persistent weight problems and obsessed with food and weight who need help to beat their symptoms.

Overeaters AnonymousHelpline: 07000 784 985oagb.org.ukOvereaters Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope are recovering from compulsive overeating. Welcomes everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively.

NHS ChoicesHealthy EatingParents advice for overweight childrenComprehensive help and information from NHS Choices with links to external websites.

Weight Loss Surgery

HoopHelpline: 0303 300 0314hoopuk.org.ukHOOP UK aims to be the ‘go to’ organisation in the UK for support for those struggling with the issues surrounding weight management and obesity. We would love you to visit our Facebook page. We also have closed groups for members of HOOP who want to chat and support each other. The group offers genuine non judgemental support to children, families, young people and adults who are struggling with overweight and obesity in a safe and positive environment from people who care and understand. If you are yourself struggling with obesity, please request to join the group and you will be made very welcome. HOOP UK is a registered charity which operates as a membership organisation to represent the voice of the obese person. HOOP members form a mutual support group and provide a valuable link between those who struggle on a daily basis and the healthcare organisations that provide evidence based weight management services. HOOP members are experts by experience who deserve, and who now have, a voice.

National Obesity Forumwww.nationalobesityforum.org.ukThe National Obesity Forum is a charity which was formed in 2000, with the remit of raising awareness of obesity in the UK and promoting the ways in which it can be addressed. This includes public-facing initiatives and the training of clinicians and healthcare professionals on how to identify and address weight management issues and obesity. The National Obesity Forum campaign to raise public awareness of obesity and the ways it can be tackled through achievable and manageable lifestyle changes.

MGEDT (Men Get Eating Disorders Too)mengetedstoo.co.uk‘Men Get Eating Disorders Too’ is an award winning national charity dedicated to representing and supporting the needs of men with eating disorders. Our website provides essential information that is specific to the unique needs of men and an online space for men to get their voices heard as well as offer peer support via our forum. We also campaign in the media and organise awareness raising events and training for professionals.

HoopHelpline: 0303 300 0314hoopuk.org.ukHOOP UK aims to be the ‘go to’ organisation in the UK for support for those struggling with the issues surrounding weight management and obesity. We would love you to visit our Facebook page. We also have closed groups for members of HOOP who want to chat and support each other. The group offers genuine non judgemental support to children, families, young people and adults who are struggling with overweight and obesity in a safe and positive environment from people who care and understand. If you are yourself struggling with obesity, please request to join the group and you will be made very welcome. HOOP UK is a registered charity which operates as a membership organisation to represent the voice of the obese person. HOOP members form a mutual support group and provide a valuable link between those who struggle on a daily basis and the healthcare organisations that provide evidence based weight management services. HOOP members are experts by experience who deserve, and who now have, a voice.

Weight Concernweightconcern.org.ukChildren and FamiliesThe charity is committed to developing and researching new treatments for obesity. It is also working to increase the availability of the successful treatments it has pioneered in the UK via self-help programmes, self-help support groups and family based childhood obesity treatment.

Weight Wisebdaweightwise.comInformation for teenagers & young adultsAn independent site, managed by the British Dietetic Association (BDA), with unbiased, easy-to-follow hints and tips - based on the latest evidence - to help you manage your weight for good. It will help you take a look at your current eating habits and physical activity levels, and offer a practical approach to setting your own goals for lifestyle change.

British Nutrition Foundationnutrition.org.ukNutrition, Health and schoolchildrenPromotes the wellbeing of society through the impartial interpretation and effective dissemination of scientifically based knowledge and advice on the relationship between diet, physical activity and health.

BOSPAbospauk.orgBOSPA (British Obesity Surgery Patients Association) provides support and information to the thousands of patients in the UK for whom obesity surgery can provide an enormous benefit.

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Weekdays 12.30pm