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Weekdays 12.30pm

Alcohol addiction helplines

Use our helplines to find more information and advice on alcohol addiction.

Gov UK – Health Risks from Alcohol – New GuidelinesHealth risks from alcohol - new guidelines

NHS Choices: AlcoholAlcohol misuseWhy booze is bad for youBinge DrinkingSex & Alcohol

Comprehensive help and advice from NHS Choices including links to external websites.

Talk to FRANKFreephone: 0300 123 6600talktofrank.com

Ring FRANK anytime and speak to a friendly adviser who's professionally trained to give you straight up, unbiased information about drugs and alcohol. It’s totally confidential – we won't ask for your name or repeat your conversation with others.

DrinklineHelpline: 0300 123 1110

Offers advice and information for people worried about their own drinking, and support to the family and friends of people who are drinking.

With YouHelpline: 0808 801 0750wearewithyou.org.uk

Offering help and advice if you're worried about your own or someone else's drinking or drug use, or your mental health. 

Drink Awaredrinkaware.co.uk

Learn about the effects of alcohol on your life and lifestyle, so that you can make informed decisions when it comes to drinking. Learn what constitutes binge drinking, how you can tell if you are binge drinking and where you can go for help.

The Mixthemix.org.ukAm I drinking too much

Life’s tough, we know that. It can throw a lot your way and make it hard to know what the hell to do with it all. Whether you’re 13, 25, or any age in between, we’re here to take on the embarrassing problems, weird questions, and please-don’t-make-me-say-it-out-loud thoughts you have. We give you the information and support you need to deal with it all. Because you can. Because you’re awesome. We’re a free and confidential multi-channel service. That means that you choose how you access our support, without the worry of anyone else finding out. Whether it be through our articles and video content online or our phone, email, peer to peer and counselling services – we put the control in your hands. You can even volunteer with us too.

Alcoholics AnonymousNational helpline: 0800 9177 650alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk

Helpline for people with drink problems, staffed by recovering alcoholics. Open 365 days a year. Can give details of local AA groups and contact with a local member.


Adfam is the only national umbrella organisation working specifically with and for families affected by drugs and alcohol. Our final goal is that no family member in need of support should go without it. As well as providing support materials and training specifically for families and professionals, we inform policy development and campaign both locally and nationally for improved family support services.

Al-Anon Family Groups UK and EireHelpline: 020 7403 0888 10am to 10pm dailyal-anonuk.org.uk

Helpline for family and friends of problems drinkers, whether the person is still drinking or not. Contact for details throughout the UK and Eire.

NACOA (National Association for Children of Alcoholics)Helpline: 0800 358 3456nacoa.org.ukYoung people

The National Association for Children of Alcoholics was founded in 1990 to address the needs of children growing up in families where one or both parents suffer from alcoholism or a similar addictive problem. This includes children of all ages, many of whose problems only become apparent in adulthood. We offer information, advice and support to children of alcohol-dependent parents.

ChildlineHelpline: 0800 1111childline.org.uk

ChildLine is a counselling service for children and young people. You can contact ChildLine in these ways: You can phone on 0800 1111, send us an email, have a 1-2-1 chat with us, send a message to Ask Sam, or post messages to the ChildLine message boards. You can contact ChildLine about anything - no problem is too big or too small. If you are feeling scared or out of control or just want to talk to someone, contact ChildLine.

Amy Winehouse Foundationamywinehousefoundation.org

The Amy Winehouse Foundation works to prevent the effects of drug and alcohol misuse on young people. We also aim to support, inform and inspire vulnerable and disadvantaged young people to help them reach their full potential.

Alcohol Concernalcoholconcern.org.uk

National agency on alcohol misuse. Working to reduce the incidence and costs of alcohol-related harm and to increase the range and quality of services available to people with alcohol-related problems, also offers help to the families and friends of those with alcohol-related problems.

Drinking & Pregnancy

NHS ChoicesCan I drink alcohol if I'm pregnant?

Contains all you need to know to have a healthy and happy pregnancy, and to make sure you get the care that's right for you. It has over 250 pages of NHS-accredited information, including videos and interactive planning tools. You'll also find all the facts you need to choose the best maternity services in your area.

NetdoctorFoetal alcohol syndromeDrinking in pregnancy

We want to break down the "medical language barrier" between the doctor and the patient. Critical medical information must be presented in a clear and understandable language so that the patient fully understands his or her choices and decisions. Ultimately, it is the patient who must make the critical health choices. We believe that in the future the world of medicine will be dominated by a new patient who seeks out critical information on the Internet - and that this will take a new type of doctor who must help the patient assess the quality of that information. NetDoctor.co.uk is committed to helping both parties in their quest.

NOFAS (National Association for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome)Helpline on 020 8458 5951nofas-uk.org

The National Organisation for Foetal* Alcohol Syndrome UK (NOFAS-UK) is dedicated to supporting people affected by foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), and their families and communities. It promotes education for professionals and public awareness about the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

FAS Awarefasaware.co.uk

Alcohol in pregnancy can cause a lifetime of problems for you and your child. No matter how small the amount of alcohol consumed, there is a great risk of harming your unborn baby. Stay aware. Stay away from alcohol. FASawareUK believes that all people should have access to information, advice and guidance to make informed choices about the effects of alcohol during pregnancy and the detrimental impact on the adults and children throughout their lives.

Drink AwareAlcohol and pregnancyFoetal alcohol syndrome

The more you drink when you're pregnant, the greater the risk you are taking with your baby’s health. Miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth and small birth weight are all associated with a mother’s drinking during pregnancy. Foetal exposure to alcohol is also the leading known cause of intellectual disability (1). All of these potential risks are why the government advises pregnant women and those trying to conceive to avoid alcohol altogether.

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Weekdays 12.30pm