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I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here

5 things we learnt from I'm A Celebrity... Day 5

Departures, hints of romance, a treetop challenge, TWO trials - one live, no less - and yet more inter-Camp swaps! Day 5 proved to be quite eventful indeed. Take a look at what we learnt.

1. The only accessory a girl needs is a pearl necklace

Chris Eubank's makeshift monocle is all well and good, but Lady C's jewellery is the envy of the other Celebrities.

2. Get it down the hatch!

The best approach when knocking back a cocktail made of the most hideous ingredients imaginable is... well, knock it back.

3. George has magical hair

They've been in the Jungle for five days and the boy band star's beautiful barnet still looks like perfection. Will a dunking be its downfall?

4. Two planks are better than four

Just ask ol' two-planks Shelley, whose minimal approach won him the sky-high Challenge. Kieron found out the hard way.

5. Counting counts for a lot

Having a strong stomach in the Jungle is a necessity, but a head for mathematics also gets you a long way. Shame the basics of counting were lost on our Celebs!

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I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here