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Weekdays | 6am-9am

Jamelia: 'Everyone has the right to feel beautiful'

A third of mums worry about passing their own insecurities on to their children and they could be right, as nearly 50 percent of kids think their own mums are unhappy with their appearance and a third feel they are influenced by this.

Do you stop yourself from swearing, smoking, drinking excessively and talking about adult subjects in front of your children? Why then do you think it's okay to talk about your bingo wings, big bottom and baggy boobs when they are in the same room? You may think differently when you see the results of this experiment...

A group of children tell us about their mums' body insecurities and the impact this has on them. plus we're joined by mum and Loose Women panelist Jamelia to find out her take on the subject and address comments she made this week about plus size clothing.

Get Natasha Devon's top ten tips for high #SelfieEsteem

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Logo of Good Morning Britain
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Weekdays | 6am-9am