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How to talk to your children about terror attacks

First News editor Nicky Cox joined us this morning to give her advice for parents who are struggling to explain the Westminster attack to their children. In the video above, Nicky advises to put the attack into perspective and to concentrate on the heroes.

Here are a few things to do to help your children understand:

  • Don't try to turn off the news when there is bad news. Sadly, in the technological world in which we live, adults are no longer in control of how children access information. News comes to us 24 hours a day from dedicated news channels, radio, the internet, and newspaper headlines. Even if you manage to shield your children from all of that, things happen in the news will be talked about in the school playground or lunch hall. Better that your child is armed with the real facts than hearing exaggerated, second or third-hand versions. Information is better than misinformation.

  • Even if your child doesn't mention bad news, don't assume they are not troubled by it. They may be worrying quietly inside. Explain simply what has happened, taking care not to use sensationalised words that tend to be used by the national press.

  • Use content, made especially for children, as a platform to talk to children about the news. It is usually created to explain what has happened but to offer reassurance too.

  • Remind them that there is much more good news than bad news happening. And that there are many more good people than bad people.

  • Reassure them that they are safe. Even though events like the one yesterday in London are scary, they are incredibly rare which is why they are in the news. Tell them that sadly four members of the public died in the incident but there were eight million people in London at the time. The likelihood of being caught up in an event like this is so, so small, you can't even do a sum to calculate the risk.

  • Remind children that the best way to stay safe is to take care in their own daily lives. Children are more likely to have an accident in their own home than they are when they are out and about.

  • Hold them a little bit close and for a little bit longer!

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Weekdays | 6am-9am