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Weekdays | 6am-9am

Are we doing enough to tackle bad behaviour?

Were students better behaved when you were at school? An Ofsted report out today says head teachers aren't doing enough to tackle disruptive behaviour in the classroom, and it costs students up to an hour of learning each day.

We speak to Susan Papas, a headteacher from Croydon with a zero tolerance policy on bad behaviour, and mum Louise Winter, who thinks that parents are more lax on discipline as their children get older.

Who do you think should take responsibility for badly behaved pupils?

Get in touch before 8am on Thursday 25 September, via Twitter, Facebook or by emailing gmb@itv.com and we may use your comments on the show. You must be 18 and over, terms at itv.com/terms.

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Weekdays | 6am-9am