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Weekdays | 6am-9am

Damning report reveals huge North-South divide for kids in England

A damning new report claims that children in the North of England are getting a raw deal compared to those living in the South.

The year-long report by the Children's Commissioner entitled 'Growing Up North' claims that while many children in the North are thriving, there are huge gaps between the poorest Northern kids and those in the South.

The report says too many children in the North are facing the double-whammy of entrenched deprivation and poor schools - they are less likely to do well in secondary school and more likely to leave education early.

We were joined on this morning's GMB by proud Mancunian Terry Christian, who believes the North needs a lot more money for regeneration, and Londoner James Whale who thinks that heading south is the inevitable choice for many people.

Watch their heated debate below.

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Weekdays | 6am-9am