Women's lingerie advert banned for being 'sexually suggestive' - after just one complaint
A lingerie company based in Scotland has been told that it cannot reuse an ad for its products as it objectifies women and was "sexually suggestive".
The Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) ruled that Glasgow based underwear retailer Silks must not use the ad again as it breached advertising guidelines.
The ASA felt that the advert, which portrays the bust of a model leading forward in lingerie, objectifies women as it showed just her body, not her face. Originally published in December 2017, the ad was accompanied by the text "Tease the Season".
The ASA felt that the model's pose and the image combined with the text was sexually suggestive.
In a statement, it said: "We considered that, by focusing entirely on the model's body without showing her head, and in the context of a sexually suggestive pose and byline, the image invited viewers to view the woman's body as a sexual object."
It continued: "For those reasons, we considered that the ad objectified women and we, therefore, considered that it was likely to cause serious or widespread offence."
The company behind the odd has been told that it must not appear again in its current form.