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Would a Brexit mean lower bills and higher wages?

If we are still in the European Union we can’t control VAT, we can’t control the millions of pounds we give to them every week

Michael Gove

Justice Secretary Michael Gove joined us today to tell us why he thinks it makes economic sense to leave the European Union - plus he admits he'd rather David Cameron was Prime Minister than Boris Johnson and that he doesn't want the job himself.

The one thing I absolutely don’t want to be is Prime Minister

Michael Gove

Our interview comes as campaigners say household energy bills will fall if we leave the EU, with Vote Leave claiming Britain would be able to cut VAT on energy bills, meaning we'd pay less.

Michael Gove, Boris Johnson and Gisela Stuart of Vote Leave have published a joint letter in The Sun newspaper today also claiming wages will be higher if we opt for a Brexit.

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Weekdays | 6am-9am