UK nurses have 'no time to care'
I found that the level of care that she received, considering the severity of what had happened to her wasn't of a good standard.
One in four nurses currently working in NHS hospitals, clinics or wards believe they have put their patients’ lives at risk because they are too busy, a new Good Morning Britain survey has shown.
The survey, which was conducted in conjunction with The Nursing Times, revealed that nurses ‘have no time to care'.
We spoke to Nadine Weeks who saw staff shortages at a hospital whilst her mum was in care, and Jenni Middleton, Editor of Nursing times.
The Good Morning Britain Survey conducted with Nursing Times surveyed 1830 nurses currently working around the UK.
The Good Morning Britain conducted with OnePoll surveyed 2000 adults on their views towards nurses.
Full survey results from survey with nurses:
Do you think you get paid enough money for the job you do?
Yes - 14%
No - 86%
Do you think in your current job you have enough time to give patients adequate care?
Yes - 18%
No - 82%
Have you ever put a patient’s life at risk because you were too busy or overworked?
Yes - 26%
No - 74%
If you feel overworked, what stops you from doing your job properly?
Too many patients to look after - 23%
Too much paperwork - 35%
Staff shortages - 42%
Would you be happy to be a patient in the ward/hospital/clinic you work in?
Yes - 57%
No - 43%
Do you worry about the level of care that your ward/hospital/clinic can give to patients outside normal working hours, such as during nights, weekend or Bank Holidays?
Yes - 66%
No - 34%
Could your ward/hospital/clinic function at night, weekends or Bank Holidays without using agency staff?
Yes 33%
No - 67%
Do you feel valued in your job by your hospital management?
Yes - 24%
No - 76%
Do you think there is too much bureaucracy in the NHS?
Yes - 96%
No - 4%
Based on your experience, would you encourage your child to go into nursing?
Yes - 17%
No - 63%
Don’t know - 20%
Do you feel valued in your job by your management?
Yes - 34%
No - 66%
Do you think the Government should introduce a mandatory minimum nurse to patient ratio?
Yes - 88%
No - 5%
Don’t know - 7%
Full survey results from survey with 2000 members of the public:
Do you think nurses should be paid more money than bankers for what they do?
Yes - 72%
No - 27%
When you last visited a hospital did you think there were enough nurses on the ward?
Yes - 25%
No - 50%
Unsure - 25%
Do you worry about being admitted to hospital due to lack of nurses on weekend and bank holidays wards?
Yes - 53%
NO - 47%
When visiting friends or family in hospital do you feel you feel the nurses were able to give your friend/relative enough attention?
Yes - 31%
No - 46%
Unsure - 23%
Have you ever had to carry out some nursing duties on a friend/relative in hospital because the nurses were not able to do so? Feeding, plumping pillows, helping them out of bed etc.
Yes - 54%
No - 46%
If you have children would you encourage your child to go into nursing as a career?
Yes - 31%
No - 43%
N/A - 26%