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Weekdays | 6am-9am

Are we facing a technology timebomb?

Everyone I speak to is guilty of the same thing.

Liane Avery, mother

Would you knowingly hinder your child’s brain growth and delay their development?

Well, that could be what you’re doing when you hand them your phone, tablet or computer, according to one teacher.

She’s sending a stark warning to parents about what she describes as the technology timebomb parents are helping to create. She says her current class of 7-9 year olds are the worst she's ever seen.

We speak to mother Liane Avery, who took part in a 24 hour digital detox for Good Morning Britain, she said she is worried that her children may be using too much technology.

This morning, we speak to Cris Rowan, Author of The Virtual Child, and co-author of the US and Canadian Technology User Guidelines for Children and Youth.

"We have on average children using technology eight hours a day

Cris Rowan

Cris Rowan's guidelines

0-2 yearsHow much? NoneNon-violent TV: NeverHandheld devices: NeverNon-violent video games: NeverViolent video games: NeverOnline violent video games or pornography: Never

3-5 yearsHow much? 1 hour/dayNon-violent TV: √Handheld devices: NeverNon-violent video games: NeverViolent video games: NeverOnline violent video games or pornography: Never

6-12 yearsHow much? 2 hours/dayNon-violent TV: √Handheld devices: NeverNon-violent video games: NeverViolent video games: NeverOnline violent video games or pornography: Never

13-18 yearsHow much? 2 hours/dayNon-violent TV: √Handheld devices: √Non-violent video games / violent video games: Limit to 30 minutes/dayOnline violent video games or pornography: Never

Find out more about Cris Rowan and Zone'in

Are we giving our children too much technology?
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Weekdays | 6am-9am