Pete's dark past...
Pete's got a chance at happiness with Debbie but will a terrible mistake from his past ruin their future? Anthony Quinlan explains.
Pete has always been the most dependable of the Barton boys. Following in his father's footsteps, he's kept the family business a float with dedication and sensibility (to the irritation of his love rival and bad boy brother Ross). Finding a grafter and family-first partner in Debbie, it looked like Pete's hard working in life was about to pay out...
...until his dark past caught up with him.
Looking to make quick cash in his youth, Pete dealt drugs in clubs - with fatal consequences. Now that the police are on to him, will Pete lose his idyllic lifestyle as he's charged with manslaughter? And, could his crime see Debbie lose her kids, too?
Anthony Quinlan talks about the ups and downs of Pete and Debbie's romance and what his past could do to their future.